Pleasure Coven: The Membership

A pleasure-oriented community of witches reclaiming pleasure and creating new worlds with it

Registration OPEN NOW

Pleasure is

Magick. Medicine. Liberation.

The Pleasure Coven Membership is where you get to explore those truths in community.


“Pleasure Coven truly changed my life and reshaped how I interact with the world. This experience was nothing short of magick.” -SB

What is the Pleasure Coven Membership?


The Pleasure Coven Membership is designed to be a space where you can unapologetically reclaim all the facets of your own pleasure, and be celebrated by others who are doing the same.

The membership offers a combination of daily prompts, weekly and monthly rituals, and community gatherings for you to engage as it works best for you.

Inside is a library of pleasure practices, tools, and spells to help you nurture your own unique pleasure needs across four realms; body-based, mental-emotional, spiritual-energetic, and relational.

This is an online community of witches who uplift each others’ pleasure, hosted on the Mighty Networks platform.

You’ll find many opportunities to participate in pleasure-oriented online gatherings, group coaching, courses, and workshops to share pleasure and vision pleasure-centric ways of being.

Who is it for?

Witchy humans who:

  • Want to connect with pleasure 

  • Believe there’s a core of their being that is a brilliantly expressed, gives-no-fucks pleasure goddexx … even if you don’t see them in the mirror that often

  • Crave ethical hedonism in their life … do no harm, take no shit vibes

  • Have an inkling (or a big fat knowing) that pleasure is an act of resistance and rebellion against oppressive structures … yes, this is liberation in action

  • Know that pleasure is instrumental in healing … but sometimes (maybe often?) struggle to access it

  • Want to bring their whole ass self to the table … which table? You don’t have to know yet. We’ll find out as we nurture your desire

  • Are curious about enhacing their pleasure across different realms ... you might be tapped into pleasure on some level (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) but disconnected elsewhere

  • Like sex. Or the idea of sex. You identify as sexually inclined, or a sexual creature / being (even if you’re not getting enough - or any - sexual pleasure at the moment)

  • Are seeking a coven, circle, or wolfpack for collective moon howls

“If you are looking for an experience to connect to the deepest of pleasure in a way that stimulates you physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and celebrated in a community of women and femmes, then I IMPLORE you to become a member of Pleasure Coven. As a result of my experience in Pleasure Coven, my life is richer, grander, and I am so much more deeply in touch with creating a life that is meaningful, purposeful, and makes me feel good in everything that I do.
Also, I cannot give enough praise to Irene for being the perfect facilitator for this experience. She is a person who is deeply in touch with her own pleasure, and every word she speaks in regards to how one has the capacity to experience, activate, and nurture pleasure is symbolic of the wisdom she holds about it. She has created a community that makes you feel loved, held, and celebrated in whatever way you choose to celebrate your own pleasure. I give nothing but the highest praise and love.”



What’s included?

Tier 1:

  1. New Moon Visioning Circles (90-minute group sessions)

  2. Ongoing pleasure prompts in the Pleasure Coven Mighty Network Community

  3. Discussion threads for connecting with fellow pleasure witches

  4. First access to launches of workshops, courses, groups and sale codes that won’t be released anywhere else



  1. All of Tier 1 PLUS:

  2. 3 pleasure lounges (90-minute group sessions, 1/wk at varying times, except the week of the new moon)

  3. Access to pleasure practice library for exploring the four realms of pleasure

  4. Once a month downloadable/guided pleasure practice or spell



for going deeper with intimate community:


Group Coaching Options

Small group pleasure coaching is available through Pleasure Coven twice a year (beginning in April and August). These groups are designed to give you tools and support more specifically tailored to your needs, as well as the accountability that comes with intimate relationship.


1:1 Support

Option of either monthly session or 6-month Pleasure Reclamation Journey

Includes Pleasure Coven Membership
50-minute Zoom or phone sessions with Irene for personalized support
Option to have the call recorded so you can refer back
E-mail and voice messaging access to Irene
Access to the entire Embodying Pleasure Course materials and workbook

The monthly option is the only way to access “drop-ins” with Irene. If you are looking for more structured, ongoing support, see the Pleasure Reclamation Journey

Monthly session: $200/month
Pleasure Reclamation: $555/month


"I feel more capacity to return to pleasure when I encounter sensations of grief or sorrow, and I trust my body much more now to guide me to small pleasures throughout the day. ...Pleasure Coven is an amazing container to practice attuning to pleasure in small, regular, and doable ways. Seeing and hearing how others are living in their pleasure has sparked my own on so many occasions, and there is so much medicine in being in a space where pleasure is celebrated and sought after."


What does your pleasure-based future look like? Honey, I can’t wait to find out.