1:1 Coaching, Coven, Groups, + Workshops


“This has been an incredibly transformative process for me. It’s been shocking how much lighter I feel after the simplest change in breath or movement. One session allowed me to safely regulate my nervous system more than tens of thousands of dollars of CBT ever had. I’ve been blown away by how much wisdom the body has and the kindness with which Irene helped me access it.
I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on different forms of traditional therapy. While it was helpful, I was limited in my progress because I didn’t have the tools to regulate my nervous system. I’ve learned what safety can feel like, and released emotions that were all consuming. One session is more powerful than all the therapy I’ve had before.”

- KS

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1:1 Somatic Pleasure Coaching

Somatic pleasure coaching is a collaborative process of self-discovery and healing to help you embody your deepest desires and your most expansive, liberated pleasure.
In somatic coaching, we identify patterns of how body, mind, emotions, relationships, and culture might be mutually impacting each other, and work at the level of the body to help interrupt those patterns and program new ones.

As a coach, I’m invested in you making progress on your own terms, in a way that is sustainable and integrated amongst all your layers.

“I highly recommend working with Irene for meaningful, sustainable, loving transformation of self. She’s the real deal.

I started working with Irene to help me reveal, process, and integrate the aftermath of sexual and spiritual trauma. Her tender, grounding, steady presence has been a guiding light in times of anxiety and fear. The practical tools she’s taught me have transformed my triggers into growth opportunities and helped my relationships with my family members. I’ve added new (better) coping skills for my addictive behaviors and overall feel empowered, enlivened, and more balanced as a result of working with her.

It can be scary to invest but my investment paid off tenfold. If you’re unsure about choosing yourself, just go for it. My time with Irene has benefitted my family, business, and overall well-being. Thank you Irene. You’re truly an earth angel.”

— AT


2-hour Deep Dive

Get acquainted with somatic coaching as a modality, target a specific challenge, bolster support around existing mind-body practices, or orient yourself during difficult times.

We spend this two hour session assessing your current needs and practices, prioritizing current energy flows and drains, and ALSO introducing any new frameworks to help keep you steady on your path of self-healing. —You will receive an email with intake forms and instructions, as well as an invoice after your appointment request is received.

This option is for those who are not already existing clients and are interested only in a single session.

Price: SUMMER SALE! $399 through August 2023 (normally $525)


Pleasure Coven

Pleasure Coven is an intimate, ongoing group space for women and femmes to unapologetically reclaim the pleasure that is their birthright.

In Pleasure Coven, we use the magick of celebrating and uplifting pleasure in community to heal from oppressive systems and celebrate our fully-expressed desires.

Interested in joining the monthly call? E-mail irene@irenemorning.com to learn more

“I feel like my greatest transformation from this program was a HUGE one. It feels like this program played a role in me transitioning from excavating my trauma in a way that has made me feel at times disempowered and in my victimhood, to integrating my trauma into a life that is oriented towards pleasure, empowerment, and being in my flow” -AC


Embodying Pleasure: a four-month group container

Month 1: Learning the fundamentals of trauma resolution
Holistic assessment of your personal protection patterns
> Understanding the nervous system for self-healing and healing in relationships
> Breathing practices for a foundation of freedom

Month 2: Tailoring your tools for moving from protection to pleasure
Un-patterning the self-protection habits that are actually working against us
(prioritized based on what we learn from Month 1)
> Body-mind practices for physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and relational freedom
> Self-inquiry, self-acceptance, and connection to inner desires

Month 3: Becoming present to your innermost desires
Centering pleasure as your body’s inherent wisdom
> Exploration of pleasure practices
> Visioning new realities
> Self-expression and communication in relationships

Month 4: Expanding into pleasure
Practicing inner-standing 
> Deepening care for self 
> Aligning with community for co-creation of the life and world you desire


What's included in group work:
> weekly group coaching sessions (max 5 people per group)
> Custom implementation plan, adjusted each meeting
> Worksheets and extra materials to help deepen work between sessions
> Access to a private WhatsApp group with supporting content and continued community-building
*option to add monthly 1:1 call for personalized care

If you would like to be considered for the next session and/or discuss other options for working with Irene, please click the link below to fill out a coaching application.

“...it must become an incredible pleasure to be able to be honest, expect to be whole, and to know that we are in a community that will hold us accountable and change with us.”

-adrienne maree brown



Pandemic Pain to Pleasure:
Practices to Move Through Trauma

This 90-minute masterclass explores pleasure as a radical practice for both personal and collective wellness in traumatic times. 
As of April 2020, we’re looking at a big period of unknown ahead, potentially months of living in the pre-conditions for collective trauma and an evolving context of personal challenges. We are leaning into lots of not-knowing and un-knowing all at once. Not knowing and un-knowing can easily put us in protection mode and states of defense, but these states are not designed to go on for extended periods. We can support ourselves and our collective right now by adopting practices that help us process our grief and connect to our pleasure.

What makes this workshop different than other self-work you might be seeing right now?
I’m talking about how to both self-regulate AND co-regulate. This isn’t a “you’re solely responsible for doing your healing work” approach, but grounded in a philosophy of our relational interdependence. Together, we will illuminate a blueprint for how we move through this massive shift by practicing the embodiment of that interdependence. I’m going to give you tools for understanding yourself in our global context, and also how to utilize human relationships so we can all be better supported. This time is a collective trauma, so we need collective presence and collective healing.

Why is pleasure in pandemic important?
We always want mobility and resilience between nervous system states, but it becomes especially significant in balancing an accumulation of stress. When we get stuck in the more taxing nervous system states, we burn out and shut down in the long term. We can support ourselves and our loved ones right now by beginning to commit to the practices that help with that mobility and resilience, by learning tools that will help us maintain the space to tend to our more intense emotions.

Cost: This is a donation-based offering, because hey, we're in wild times, and I want you to have the tools you need. Please do and pay only what feels right to you in this moment. (50% of proceeds will be donated to mutual aid efforts in Providence, RI)

To download the workshop, click here.


Pelvic Floor Balancing Workshop

If you experience pelvic pain, low back pain, unsatisfying or painful sex, a lack of sensation, hemorrhoids, incontinence, constipation, shallow breathing, anxiety, shame, insomnia, and/or general stress, gaining an understanding of how to work with your pelvic floor can be incredibly useful. When our pelvic floor is integrated with our breath and daily movements, we can gain so much power over these symptoms.

The one-hour educational video includes:
 > Pelvic floor anatomy and nervous system basics
 > An introduction to the importance of breathing mechanics
 > Energetics of this area of the body
 > Pillars of how to do somatic healing work safely

The one-hour guided practice includes:
 > ”Anchoring" techniques
 > Relaxation postures
 > Breathing exercises for pelvic floor integration
 > Guided meditation for pelvic floor balancing

This workshop includes:
- A one-hour educational presentation on how to re-balance the pelvic floor and integrate it into our daily well-being.
- A one-hour of guided practice drawing on restorative postures, breathwork, and meditation.