One-on-one Coaching:

Embodied Pleasure Reclamation

summer sale! 2-hr coaching sessions ~

summer sale! 2-hr coaching sessions ~

Get acquainted with somatic coaching , target a specific challenge, bolster support around existing practices, or orient yourself during difficult times.

We spend this two-hour session diving into your current needs and wants, addressing barriers to getting them met, and equipping you with the tools specific to the circumstances. You'll leave with a clear understanding of doable next steps and documentation of the session so you can review on your own time.

Great option for:

  • support with a specific pattern or scenario

  • figuring out what you need in the midst of conflict, opening a relationship, or breaking up

  • times when you can't commit to ongoing coaching, but need a lil' something

  • identifying what you want to be working on in therapy, couples counseling, or with another coach

  • resourcing yourself for an upcoming challenge or digesting a recent one

  • trying out somatic pleasure coaching

Summer Sale! $399 through August 2023 (normally $525)


You are here because…

… some part of you believes healing doesn’t have to be so hard.

… you have an inkling (or a full-fledged knowing) that pleasure is liberatory.

…you’re craving to go deeper with yourself.

… you’re yearning for wholeness and intimacy.

… you’re ready to up-level your self-love.

I’m here to help you trust your body. I’m here to help you harness the power of your pleasure for your own healing and our collective liberation.


Do you:

  • Ever feel disconnected from your body?

  • Struggle with intimacy bc you don’t have a good model for your relationships?

  • Find yourself working a lot more than you know you “should”?

  • Forget to make time/space for yourself and for your pleasure? Or feel guilt, shame, and self-criticism when you do prioritize your own pleasure?

  • Often feel like sex is to please someone other than yourself?

  • Compromise when it comes to your needs, whether they be emotional, sexual, or energetic?

  • Believe pleasure needs to be earned? That your enjoyment of life comes from your achievements?


Have you:

  • Felt envious of all those people who seem to just know what they want and how to pursue it?

  • Had a hard time with the concept that you deserve pleasure?

  • Ever felt alone or shut down, even in a group of people you know?

  • Felt like too much and not enough at the same time?

  • Spent a lot of time and energy prioritizing others’ opinions over your own intuition and happiness?


You might wonder:

  • Why is it so hard to enjoy sex?

  • Why don’t I know what I like?

  • Why are orgasm and pleasure so much easier for other people?

  • How can I get out of my head and more in my body?

  • Why can’t I seem to ask for what I want? Why is it so difficult to receive it when it’s offered to me?

  • Why do I feel unfulfilled and numb when I’ve achieved so much?

  • What is this nagging feeling like I could be so much happier? Am I doing something wrong?

You actually already have all the keys to these questions.

We just need to make it safer for your body to communicate the answers and teach you how to listen a little differently.

That’s where I come in.

In this transformative coaching container, I guide you home to your own answers, your own power, your own pleasure.

When we work together, we can explore:



to nurture safety and pleasure as your baseline for relating (to your body, to yourself and to others)



to to pleasure on a daily basis, multiple times a day, so you understand it is always available

Your YES

what resounding, celebratory, curious enthusiasm feels like in your body, mind, and emotions


Working with

the more challenging aspects of our experiences (like anxiety and overwhelm) to love ourselves more deeply

Your NO

how to listen more respectfully to your own boundaries and needs, and how to feel good communicating NOs



the fears and questions around what you really want, so you can just go for it


shame and detrimental beliefs about pleasure so that you can claim it with more ease and empowerment


Using your voice

both inside and out of the bedroom, to deepen intimacy and nurture interdependence


and/or your questioning.
Even if you’re in a hetero relationship ;)



the conditioning that makes you feel responsible for other people and their emotions



a life based on holistic pleasure principles so you can be your most badass, fully-expressed, internally-aligned self


your own knowing, and listening to your body’s wisdom



and/or BDSM and whatever iterations are alive for you right now (or that you might want to lean into in the future)

Relationship structures

and your personal ideals; to monogamy or to nonmonogamy?!


what makes this approach different than everything else you’ve tried?

  • Pleasure coaching isn’t talk therapy.

It also isn’t mindfulness or yoga therapy. It also isn’t a “how-to” course for discovering pleasure. We combine working with the mind with unwinding protective patterns in the body to allow desire to arise and, more importantly, teach you how to listen to those desires so you can express them in your life. In our sessions, we’re centering bodily experience and emotional presence in a dance of unveiling what you most want (often it’s different than what we *think* we want). This is a hybrid of body, brain, and spiritual processing to build you a personalized toolkit of the pleasure practices that we create together, specifically for you. We’ll do experiential practices in session together and compile you a library of your own tools to keep using without me. 

  • This pleasure coaching is different even from other pleasure coaching.

Much of what you’ll find in the world of pleasure coaching is focused on sex as the primary gateway to the concept of pleasure. Understandably, there are many pleasure coaches who are focused on your sexual pleasure.
My pleasure framework is a truly holistic model, in which we look at balancing your pleasure across four realms of being. This approach helps with your sexual pleasure, and recognizes that your pleasure-based life is so much more than that.

  • The practices might look like:

Pleasure charts to assess where your pleasure focus needs to be

Dance/movement/crafting prompts to express things that are stuck 

Guided somatic inquiry to tend to your unseen parts

Breathwork tailored to specific physical and emotional processing

Journaling sprints to discover deeper desires

Mirror work / affirmations to boost your worthiness

Solo sexuality practices to fall in love with your own touch and expand your sensation vocabulary

Sound expression exercises to practice claiming your voice

What’s included?


40-min alignment call


If your application seems like we might be a good fit, we get on a free, no pressure Zoom call as the next step in our courtship. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you have about how this work works and what you might want to know about me as a practitioner.

Apply Now


Fourteen 60-minute virtual coaching sessions


In these sessions, I hold the container for you to bravely explore what’s present in your pleasure/non-monogamy journey. I will teach you specific tools when appropriate, mirror when it’s helpful, and offer you unconditional support for embodying self-love.

These sessions are intended to be scheduled over the course of six months. Some people choose to spread them out evenly over that time, while others choose to begin weekly and then taper off.

(We meet via Zoom, unless you prefer voice and no video.)


Personalized Pleasure Transformation Toolkit


The personalized practices we create in our time together are yours to keep forever, giving you the opportunity to deepen into this work as much as you like in between our sessions. This includes: 

  1. recorded meditations 

  2. personalized rituals

  3. pdf worksheets + journal prompts

  4. and whatever we come up with that is unique to you


Voice/video messaging and e-mail support between sessions


Sometimes to shift our patterns in the context of our lives, we need support in that actual context. You can reach out to me in real-time of processing challenges so we can get a different perspective on how to best implement your pleasure practices / receive the power of being witnessed by unconditional support.

(For me personally, this was the game changer when I started working with other coaches for my own transformation. Knowing that I have a place to be witnessed in the messiness has taken SO MUCH pressure off of me and my relationships.)


Pleasure Practices Library


A resource to anchor you into the foundational tools of this work. Includes a workshop to help you understand and embody all four realms of pleasure, as well as specific spells & practices to guide you deeper in each.

We need your pleasure liberated.
It truly serves us all

What People Are Saying

There are truly no words to express how grateful I am to have worked with Irene. Of all the practitioners I have worked with, Irene has had the most impact on my overall healing.”

— SG

“Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I am so grateful every day that I took this leap.”

— SB

“My relationship with Irene was like nothing I had experienced with other practitioners. I didn't think it was possible to feel so safe while expressing vulnerability.”

— AN


What’s the investment?

One-time payment of $5,995
installments of:
$999/month for six months
$666/month for nine months

I do keep some sliding scale spaces available on my schedule.
If you are interested in sliding scale, please fill out the application and indicate so in the designated space.



Is this therapy?

No, I am not a licensed therapist, and I believe for the safety and efficacy of our work together, it’s important to stay within my scope of practice as a somatic coach. Our time together certainly can (for many people does) have therapeutic benefits, but it’s important to me that you understand I am not a mental health professional.

Additionally, this work cannot serve the role of crisis services. If you are in crisis or need immediate help please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE

I have experienced sexual trauma. Is this work still a good fit for me?

Most likely, AND if you are in a phase of needing more acute support around processing your trauma, we will discuss what kind of care team is most appropriate for you to have in place outside of our work together.

How much time do I need to commit outside of sessions?

Honestly, not that much. The power in this work comes from integrating it at a doable, digestible pace.
Depending on which practices resonate with you, the majority of our work could happen in the sessions. For some clients, transformation is most supported by some simple practices that take 5-10 minutes at either the beginning or end of the day. For others, a 30-minute practice twice a month supplements our sessions just fine.
As you become more versed in the frameworks we use, practices become more integrated into your daily routines and feel less like something you need to set aside extra time for.